Unity bluuegh
Yucky game No passsion Final Week Bodyfailing I wanna go home this game is straight ASS
I'll be so honest and just say I found a fun free pack on unity's asset store for a cemetery and got excited to build a little world and just decorate it. I had fun with that. I didn't want to do anything else I'm tired, I'm dying, I have to study until my exams are over, which is Wednesday, and this is due Wednesday, and i might be close to killing my poor computer. I had the default Unity assets, I had a low-poly cemetery pack, low-poly mushroom pack, and a low-poly vegetation pack; after these, when I tried to download more packs my unity imports ended up having alot of errors so I just kinda gave up after these packs.
this is the lovely cemetery pack, this is that vegetation pack, this is the very cute mushroom pack, and this is the standard pack lolOkay so the cemetery pack came with prefab square platforms with unique terrains, very COol!! I could make a little ground layout, so I just spawned in like a ton of corners and sides, made a ground outline, made it vaguely directed, and then filled in the main terrain you walk on with more square platforms. This pack came with so many little sculpts, rocks, tombstones, broken tombstones, grass, trees, sarcophagi, skeletons, candles, etc; so I went to town and just added a bunch of them everywhere in clusters with varied sizes and rotations so it looks natural and more pleasing to the eye. I made the center of the map you walk to a grave freshly dug up, exposed bones, candles, and a witch hat so it kind of looks like there's a ritual going on. I used the added vegetation pack for dandelions and more varied grasses and a broken tree. The mushroom pack was used near all the big structures so it looks aged and alot more natural. Not really sure what to add I just really enjoyed building this tiny little map. Also everything was scaled up by 60 on each axis because the small default sizes were invisible to me. ANother thing is that the player map is kinda small, the player is sorta slow and short, and the jump button plays a mouse squeaking noise so its like you're a scuttling little rat in a cemetery yayyy
I had to test the skybox colors, and learned that thick atmosphere can change the color of light affecting the models so I tried out two different colors, and liked the purple one better
another thing that was weird to work with was the fact the cemetery pack had a texture issue, where the material lighting were all error pink colors and didn't work no matter how I tweaked it, so no fun lighting for me :( oh well
also fuck the unity standard assets, the FIrst Person Camera is so broken its awesome; I had to go into the individual pieces and re-align them as the camera was off center from the playable bit... so turning meant the camera fucking flew off screen into the goddamn void. What the fuck. It was so bad. I also gave up on the organization of the side panel lol
I didn't take alot of WIP photos, I have 0 clue how anyone can even remember to when you're in the zone. WHy would I stop the grind to take a photo and lose the focus [has no WIPs] [has no proof of improvement] [has no concept of the self] [has no bitches and no money and no will to live]
My epic roommate playing my game yayyyyy say thank youuuu I definitely didn't edit out the part where she started saying questionable things about a skeleton (anatomy and physiology student)