Fusion360 Journal

Fusion360 is my new best friend, FreeCAD is no longer welcome into my home. Banned and excommunicated. FreeCAD wasn't bad for what it does, but the intuitive tools I was expecting didn't exist in FreeCAD but were very clearly in Fusion360. Clean mouse movement, easier rotation that actually made sense, the fact that sketch points automatically connect when overlapped instead of having to be manually stitched together because they're apparently on theoretically different planes. god that was so annoying. I like Fusion alot more its nicer and still frustratingly complicated but its an easier pill to swallow.

My Fusion360 creations

  1. Tutorial Object
  2. Made in class; round cube with a hole and its green love it

  3. Lamp Squiggle Shade
  4. in class again; my odd lamp shade and my stupid little squiggle

  5. Flask
  6. did this in class, honestly the hardest part was cutting the litle annoying lines inside the sketch so its easier to click, and then finding the right glass texture

  7. Bowler Hat: Return of the King
  8. I AM SO PROUD OF MY HAT. I MADE THE BRIM SOOOOO CUTE. I started with a drawn sketch of the rounded end of the hat, made it rotate 180 degrees, copied and pasted it with the second rounded end being flipped to face inward, then i took the face of the round ends and extended them to be straight and connect both round ends. Made my oblong hat part!! That was easy. The brim I had a hard time with, I made a sketch for a hat brim and folloed the same steps to make it reach around the whole hat but it looked super stupid and I couldn't make it curve like a bowler hat brim. So I looked up how to bend objects in Fusion and came across this video which absolutely blew my fucking mind. Holy shit. Sketched out a rounded edge on the plane below the hat, then sketched out the curve of the brim on a perpendicular plane to follow the bottom of the hat. Then I followed what the dude did in the video and Immediately made the perfect fucking brim and I was actually so so happy. Some cosmetic bevels and a skinny oval cylinder to act as the bowler hat stripe and boom made my silly little hat.